Monday Night RAW Results (4/12)

Tag Team Title Match

X-Pac & Kane vs. Test & HHH - The winners were Kane and X-Pac after Kane tombstoned Test when HHH threw him back into the ring.

Hardcore Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. D'Lo Brown - The winner was Holly after he was moved from a table by Al Snow and D'Lo lands on the table. Holly got the cover.

Intercontinental Title Match

Godfather vs. Goldust - The winner was Godfather after Goldust was hit with the pimp-drop. Bossman was suppose to fight but he took the ho's and went away.

Tag Team Match

Acolytes vs. JJ & Owen - The winner was JJ & Owen after the Ministry came down and jumped Owen and JJ. UT told them that Debra was to be sacraficed but then Shamrock came down with a bat and made the Ministry run. UT revealed that his sister was in the boiler room.

Singles Match